Monday, May 4, 2009

A multitude of thoughts

Rather than writing about a specific issue, i figured out it would be best to just give my take on several issues. The first is this post which i came across in, where i find the pic to be one of the most humorous.

I remembered some time ago when the western nations critized china and other asian countries on their handling of flu viruses such as SARS and other bird flus. The issue was the Asian countries playing down the numbers of the people that were infected and thus downplaying the risks of the flu.

However we could now see how the western countries handle the pandemic. Rather than containing the virus, Mexico was hoping for the virus to 'go away' and thus infecting tourists. This in turn enabled the tourists to spread the virus all over the world. Even till now there are denials about the origins of the virus and the seriusnous of this swine flu. The irony is that the wealthier schools and such are the ones getting infected. Apparently the flu spread in New York City owing to 3 students catching the flu during their spring break at Cancun. Even an Obama official working at the energy department contracted the flu. Luckily he was not on board Air Force One. Mexico had the guts to say that border control shouldn't be the solution to this problem because it would make the problems in Mexico worst. Since this flu will spread around the globe anyway, we should tackle the problem as it is. Pork suppliers think that this virus is unfair to them. Rather, swine flu should be called 'hybrid' flue because human can spread to other human beings. A researcher in Ohio had stated that the swine flu is very similar to those that infected the pig farms in Ohio a year ago. Apparently sometime last year, some pig farms in Ohio was tainted with a severe case of flu. He's practically hinting that since the U.S. is the largest pork exporter, the virus could have been exported to Mexico, and the virus mutated there. He specifically said he's not saying the above statement is true but rather a possibility.

The next item is this,, where Hannity had said that water boarding is not torture and he agreed to be waterboarded for charity. Keith Olbermann had promised to donate $1000 for every second Hannity is being waterboarded. However, Hannity is currently evading this promise. I do hope that he will show how manly he is by keeping his words for a good cause. Kudos to Olbermann for repeatedly reminding Hannity of his promise.

I'm a huge fan of Lord of the Rings Triology. In fact, fantasy books are one of my favourite type of fiction. It's amazing to me that children's books in the 60s till the 80s are dark and filled with death. It's so different than now where children's books are so happy such as Harry Potter. I was hoping that J.R. Rowling would make the 7th series to be dark and filled with adventure. So, i was extremely dissappointed. Anyway, a fan made a new trailer for LOTR and it's really well done. Here is the link for it. It's called The Hunt for Gollum.

Finally i would say that the Boston Celtics vs. Chicago Bulls game was one of the best ever. I can't believe that they got till game 7. I was rooting for the Bulls to win. Celtics won at the end with a 10 point lead. The game was becoming really close at last quarter when the Bulls became organized once more, and was 6 points behind the Celtics but alas that was not enough. It's been a long time since i saw such a good game. Looks like after almost a decade, Chicago Bulls might be coming back with a bang without Michael Jordon.

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